The Team

Mary Marcus

Mary has over 19 years experience working with organizations, developing systems and processes that help them improve effectiveness and drive business results through their people.

She specializes in assessing, selecting and developing the right talent for your organization. In her role as coach and facilitator to leaders and teams, she has assisted leaders in clarifying their vision and translating vision to action, behaviors and accountabilities that deliver outcomes that enable organizational results.

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Mary Marcus

Areas of expertise:

  • Assessment for selection
  • Assessment for development
  • Leadership development (design and facilitation)
  • Web 2.0 leadership development
  • Organizational design
  • Accountability based role design
  • Coaching
  • Facilitation
  • Strategic Planning


  • PhD (honors) in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • MBA focused on Organizational Behavior and Organizational Development
  • BCom in Adminstrative Management


  • Building the Next Generation Workplace, May 2008, The Strategic Leadership Forum
  • Assessments Can Reduce Failed Hires-And Technology is Here to Help, February 2005, Canadian HR Reporter
  • Preparing High Potential Staff for the Step Up to Leadership, October 2004, Canadian HR Reporter
  • Effective Use of 360-degree Feedback, Spring 2004,