Case studies

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

OrganizationDynamic is pleased to be a partner with Patrick Lencioni and Wiley Publishing on

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

Based on the bestselling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team is a model and development program that guides intact teams through a journey to improve in five areas that are key to productive team dynamics: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability and Results.

The process begins with an online assessment of where the team sees itself against the five behaviors.

Watch the video of how it all began

Here is Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable sharing his philosophy on the importance of teams.

The process begins with an online assessment of where the team sees itself against the five behaviors.

What are the Five behaviours of a Cohesive Team?

  1. Trust One Another
    Members of great teams trust one another on a fundamental, emotional level, and they are comfortable being
    vulnerable with each other about their weaknesses, mistakes, fears, and behaviors. They can be completely
    open with one another, without filters. This is essential because…
  2. Engage in Conflict Around Ideas
    Members of teams who trust one another are not afraid to engage in conflict around ideas. They do not
    hesitate to disagree with, challenge, and question each other, all in the spirit of finding the best answers,
    discovering the truth, and making great decisions. This is important because…
  3. Commit to Decisions
    Teams that engage in conflict around ideas are able to gain commitment to decisions, even when various
    members of the team initially disagree. That is because they ensure that all opinions and ideas are put on
    the table and considered. This is critical because…
  4. Hold One Another Accountable
    Teams that gain commitment on decisions and standards of performance do not hesitate to hold one another
    accountable for adhering to those decisions and standards. What’s more, they don’t rely on the team leader as
    the primary source of accountability. This matters because…
  5. Focus on Achieving Collective Results
    Team members who trust one another, engage in conflict around ideas, gain commitment to decisions, and
    hold one another accountable set aside their individual needs and agendas and focus on achieving collective

The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team is the most complete team process available

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team begins with an assessment that shares the team’s perspective of their unique strengths and areas of improvement. It’s a tool that evaluates the team’s dynamic across the five fundamental behaviors so members can decide what improvements are necessary for becoming a higher performing team.

The assessment also serves as a powerful measurement for growth. By first taking the assessment at the outset of the development effort, the team will establish a baseline for the current state. Then – after the team learns and practices new skills –a re-assessment will provide valuable feedback about where the team is progressing and about where more focus must be placed.

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive team uses a DiSC behavior-style assessment for each team member, to build self- and other- awareness to build understanding and trust. Gaining a better understanding and greater appreciation of each team member’s style gives the team the ability to work together more effectively.